Breite Str. 17 14467 Potsdam
in unmittelbarer Nähe dieses Veranstaltungsortes befinden sich folgende Orte:the following places are in the immediate vicinity of this venue:
- cityFIT0 m
- Aerobic (INDOOR)
- Aerobic Step (INDOOR)
- Aerobic Step - Workshop (INDOOR)
- BodyFit (INDOOR)
- Bodyweight Training & HIIT (INDOOR)
- Brazilian Zouk - English (INDOOR)
- Capoeira - English (INDOOR)
- Circuit Training (INDOOR)
- FELDENKRAIS® - Workshop
- Fitness für Kids und Teens (INDOOR)
- Functional Step (INDOOR)
- FunctionalFit (INDOOR)
- HIIT & Core (INDOOR)
- Mobility & HIIT (INDOOR)
- Pilates (INDOOR)
- Rücken & Flow (INDOOR)
- Sling Fitness (INDOOR)
- Step & Shape (INDOOR)
- kiezFIT83 m
- Bachata Sensual (INDOOR)
- Dancing Mindfulness (INDOOR)
- Disco Fox (INDOOR)
- High Heels Dance (INDOOR)
- Improvisationstheater - Workshop (INDOOR)
- Kindertanz (INDOOR)
- Kinderyoga (INDOOR)
- Kizomba (INDOOR)
- Kleinkinderturnen Eltern mit Kind (INDOOR)
- Salsa - Rueda de Casino (INDOOR)
- Salsa Cubana (INDOOR)
- Salsa Cubana - Workshop (INDOOR)
- Salsa Koala - Mama/Papa-Baby Workshop
- Salsa L.A. (INDOOR)
- Salsa-Bachata-Mix (INDOOR)
- Standard/Latein (INDOOR)
- Tango Argentino - English - Workshop
- West Coast Swing (INDOOR)
- Zumba® (INDOOR)
- Max Dortu Grundschule 272 m
- beFIT349 m
- Bachata im Original (INDOOR)
- Contemporary - English (INDOOR)
- Contemporary - Workshop (INDOOR)
- Contemporary meets Jazz - Workshop (INDOOR)
- Faszien Fitness (INDOOR)
- Hip Hop (INDOOR)
- Improvisationstheater (INDOOR)
- Massage Klassisch - Workshop
- Meditation - ZEN (INDOOR)
- Modern Jazz - Workshop (INDOOR)
- Pilates & Power (INDOOR)
- POUND® Fitness (INDOOR)
- Rücken & Flow (INDOOR)
- RückenFit (INDOOR)
- Singen, Stimme und Körperarbeit (INDOOR)
- Stretch & Relax (INDOOR)
- Yoga - Good Night (INDOOR)
- Yoga - Hatha (INDOOR)
- Yoga - Hatha - English (INDOOR)
- Yoga - Meditation - English (INDOOR)
- Yoga - Morning Routine (INDOOR)
- Yoga - Vinyasa (INDOOR)
- Yoga für Schwangere (INDOOR)
- Einsteingymnasium, Hegelallee542 m
- Vitalbad, Werner-Alfred-Bad665 m
- Übersicht aller Veranstaltungsorte