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FeelGoodCampus - Student & Teacher Well-Being
verantwortlich: Laura Maut

How can we teachers enhance expansive emotions and thus ensure our own and our students’ wellbeing

Deborah Shechter invites fellow language teachers to join her in this hour of self-reflection, to acknowledge and honour ourselves for the important work that we do. Teacher wellbeing derives from and also leads to learner wellbeing. It’s a virtuous circle.

We will revisit teacher qualities and practices that cultivate positive affect in students, foster their trust and respect, and make them more resilient. When our students believe that we have their best interest at heart, they will be more open, more creative, more trusting and more resilient.

Participants will come out of this workshop empowered, inspired to make little changes, confident in their strengths, and optimistic in their capacity to engage students.

Let us share the joy of being a language teacher!

Deborah Shechter teaches English and Turkish at Tel Aviv University. She is a passionate language learner and an enthusiastic teacher. A recipient of the Rector’s Award for Excellence in teaching, she consistently receives the highest ratings from her students in teaching evaluation surveys. Deborah gives talks at international conferences and shares her extensive experience with fellow language teachers. Her professional development seminars at universities in Germany, Portugal, Poland, Russia and Turkey have received high praise from hosts and participants. She believes that positive emotions are essential for teacher and learner wellbeing, and for successful language learning. Deborah loves languages and people, and as a language teacher, she is blessed to be engaged with both. Her passion is to share the joy of language teaching and learning with the world.


  • This offer can be booked by teachers and students (in particular students of Bachelor/Master od Education).
  • This date will be held in English.The workshop is organised by Centre for Language and Key Competences (Zessko) of the University of Potsdam and held by Deborah Shechter.
  • This offer does not replace medical, psychotherapeutic or psychiatric treatment.
  • If it is not possible for you to attend, please cancel in writing to allow other interested persons access to the seminar.
  • The offer includes one date.

This offer is part of the project "Feel Good Campus"-Student Health Management at the University of Potsdam and is therefore only open to students of the University of Potsdam, the FH Potsdam and the Filmuni. We ask for your understanding.

9740Nur für Studierende der UP, FHP & FilmuniDo16:00-17:00Zoom Online-Konferenzraum (OnlineFlex-Ticket)30.11.Zessko Universität Potsdamentgeltfreiabgelaufen