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Tango Milonga - Workshop in English
verantwortlich: Anika Koch

Tango Argentino includes not only the tango, but also the milonga. The milonga is as a dance, a precursor of the Tango Argentino, originated from the Candombe. The milonga is usually faster, more joyful and one could say more earthy than the tango. In this workshop you can learn your first milonga steps or expand your milonga step repertoire. The workshop is open to all levels and the exercises and step sequences will build on each other from easy to difficult.

Advice: Clean change of shoes is mandatory!

4050Anfänger und FortgeschritteneSo13:00-16:00beFIT19.11.Benjamin Galian, Violeta Haas
15/ 20/ 25/ 30 €
15 EUR
für Statusgruppe 1

20 EUR
für Statusgruppe 2

25 EUR
für Statusgruppe 3

30 EUR
für Statusgruppe 4