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Tango Argentino - Choreografie Workshop in English
verantwortlich: Anika Koch

In this workshop you will get the possibility to try a lot of different Tango movements. After a warm-up we will dive directly into figures of Argentinien Tango, building a structure of movements which afterwards can be danced freely to Tango or Non-Tango music.

Advice: Clean change of shoes is mandatory!

5415Anfänger und FortgeschritteneSo11:00-15:00beFIT22.10.Benjamin Galian, Violeta Haas
15/ 20/ 25/ 30 €
15 EUR
für Statusgruppe 1

20 EUR
für Statusgruppe 2

25 EUR
für Statusgruppe 3

30 EUR
für Statusgruppe 4