This workshop is intended for all those who sometimes feel lonely in their everyday student life and are looking for dialogue. The aim is to talk about these topics of life in specific units:
This should begin with a mindfulness ritual, then individual definitions and experiences are collected before there is a brief psychological input into the topic. This is followed by a joint collection of ideas and resources and the development of an exercise that can be included into the students' everyday lives. This is not a therapeutic programme; information is provided about possible contact points. In addition, the contents of the workshop will be presented in a handout in a concluding session, reflected on together and given for further reflection. The framework conditions of netiquette and confidentiality for mutual safety will be discussed.
This offer is part of the project "Feel Good Campus"-Student Health Management at the University of Potsdam and is therefore only open to students of the University of Potsdam, the FH Potsdam and the Filmuni. This free offer is made possible by our health partner Die Techniker.